Last night, went to chat with some of my old friends, start to ponder about friendship and relationship. Well, to many, these issues are small but, to me, i always think of them.
Had two failed relationship, start to exit from the whole of BGR totally. But, just can't at all. Why? If don't find girlfriend in matter of time.. People who start to think that you aren't straight, haiz.. Gossips and gossips, till your whole reputations are down the drain.. But, the truth is that, in this modern society, BGR is not the priority at all, or perhaps, it's already out of my mind liao... But, due to the stress given by family and peers, i still have to say that i'm looking for girls.. Sounds pathetic, isn't it..
Well, as for friendship, manage to have only 4 stable friends that had stormed through various weather. Yet, no bosom. Haiz.. Don't understand why, people in this fast-paced and competitive society can forgo friendship so easily... For me, i have 1 failed frienship till now i still can't forgive the person at all..
Haiz.. perhaps i should report back to work sooner, or else i may starts to think why must moon be round and such nonsense questions..
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