Sunday, January 02, 2005

new year

well, just came back from the nation countdown 2005 at siloso beach. Well, there is only a word to describe the party-- disappointing. There isn't any foam party. The actual performances lasted for only an hour. The whole performances are just merely singing. Well, maybe it's only my point of view, i think the party shouldn't be artisits coming out to sing. There should be performances like Orchestra palying, magic show or maybe drama. Worst still, there were only 20 artists performing last night. What's worst-- one ticket for $20, but drinks are sold seperately. So if you were thirsty, $3 for a cup of mineral water, trust me, it's less than 500ml.

Well, forget about the party, i won't want to join or attend such anymore.. I think i'll organise it. Better, cheaper and maybe nicer.

Well, today is a brand new day in a brand year. Let's hope this year woldn't be a tough one to live through. No more SARS, natural disasters, bird flu, malaria or whatsoever that will affect the humankind or economy. Heal the world, make it a better place, for you and for me and the entire human race.....


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