Saturday, January 08, 2005

Re: Well, still got yet another 508days to go but think of 32days later!

Well, from a soldier who have gone from various tough and tedious training to now being an office Spec, i'm still not quite used to it. Well, maybe because the post i'm holding now is an office job, unlikw what i did for the past 9months, run and run and run.
Well, just hope that this 8 to 6 job will remain as it is till 508days later..

Well, guess what! Lunar Chinese new year is just a month away. But.. The feeling or the mood of celebration isn't there? Yes, the shops and shopping malls are now trying to play the new songs or even decorate their shops to make it appealing. But, yet the mood isn't there. I wondering if this only happen in Singapore!!

Well, i can't compare much to other countries. I can only compare SIngapore to Thailand, well i was there last month.
In Thailand, the feelinf for christmas was there. You can sense it easily, the employees danced in the red suit. Big christmas trees are all around the places, well, thought there were't any Xmas songs, but, so what?? The mood was there.
But, back in singapore.... Erm.. YOu all see it for yourself.

Well, if this goes on.. Sooner or later Lunar Cinese New Year may be like a festive season as like vesak day or even any normnal weekend. Sigh...

Thinking further, i still have another 508days more to my yellow ribbon/ pink ic/ freedom/ youth/ whatsoever. Well, that is a long way to go.... When it comes??


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