I miss
Well, i happen to saw a few students of mine just now, i must admit one serious fact about life. Well, i'm older, does it mean i'm dying soon? Or does it mean i'm really very old? Not necessary, it can mean i'm more matured, more (ok la, i stopped praising myself, some might puke, some might wanna to kill me).
Nonetheless, i cannot deny the fact that i'm turning twenty in three months time (Oh, people envy me). Yup, to change from a boy who only know how to play catching, hopscotch, hide and seek to a young person who deals with various responsibilities, be it heavy or not. IN fact, i don't even know whether i'm prepare to take over the duties and fulfil them with my best or not. Till now, i only know how to be a friend or even be a buddy to many, be a student and be a teacher to some. So? Am i prepared? who knows..
Yeah, people need to change , be it appearance or thinking. I don't deny the fact that we must change to survive in the 'war'. But, can we inject warmth and love in it too? Yeah, my stupid thinking and wish. Call me stupid, if you want. But, that's my thinking unless you can prove me otherwise.
Appearance, i think being the ugly group of people, i need to do much to impove my look? Haha, just kidding. Like what i say, life is short, make it sweet. Grooming is important. Yeah, i went to hunt for watches today, hours and hours. I start to realise one thing, to shop for things you desire and actuallyy want, it is always best to shop alone. Yeah, this was what i did. BUt, did anyone ever caution you that you should check out the local map before walking around the place? Thanks, after hours, i don't see any watches of my desire. So? forget it lor, call it a day lor... I though of making contact lens, my impression of it was postive all the way till when i visit the Eye Care Unit in TTSH, saw the various diseases and infections caused by contact, i've killed, burned and buried the idea of it. Forget it! Specs are nicer, cool and safer. (Yeah, i'm timid, i don't dare to put things in my eye, cos i'm afraid that when i take out the things, i may take out more than what i out in.)
Changes, but, i hope mine will be more postives.
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