Old uncle here is getting older day by day, yet there are still so many issues seem to be like single way traffic, that is, going out in one direction only. Yet, there are disadvantages - you will miss the stop you want to alight, or you might not know where to stop. Worst thing, you don't even know where you will be heading and got to be extra careful cause once you miss a stop, you can never do step the clutch and hit the reverse on your gear box. Yup, it would be convenient as you aim one direction only, nothing more to worry or whatsoever, but, the cons are far more than the pros if you weigh them properly.
Now that you know this basics, bring this idea on friendship and you will roughly know what this old uncle here is trying to say or sound. Give and take must be in equilibrium, if not near to it, it cannot be a zero on any one side, if not the reaction will cease. (The idea is roughly borrowed and modiflied from Le Cheateau's Principle.) I don't emphasize, but it does not mean i don't want to know what is the end results of giving. Sometimes, feedbacks are important so as not to over-ampliflied or to increase the gain which might in turn be deafening to the ears and damaging to the instruments, bring the theory into the issue and you will get it, people.
However, sometimes, it is either one party is taking everything for granted the other party expecting some feedbacks. Things don't turn out the way it should be (Well, usually it will not.) and when this happen, the heart will break, the brain will flash out "system failure, shutting down in 3 sec!" You see, so this will in turn ,making the whole situation a hellout one and making alot of things in greatest tension. A small sneeze will in turn results to great damages. Wow!
Suddenly, i feel like visiting people, door to door. Somehow, i don't. The truth is there, but somehow i don't want to see it. It is contradicting and painful at times, and troublesome and nusiance at other instances. Honesty is still the best policy and till this day, i still hold it so dearly and hopefully, it will be the same way that people received. Warmth and Empathy iare the 2 core values in pursuing peaks and yup, these beliefs should not be shake off when things turn out to be unexpectedly confusing.
I have sat down one corner of the seaside for past night and i'm still wondering.. Is my train getting lighter and lighter day by day, because ages catching up? Or because my thinking evolves to be more sentimental and emotional?
Till now, hundreads of people have crossed my path, yet not many stop by to talk abit more than just a HI-BYE! Is life supposedly to be planned out to be this way? Being painful at the lowest peak and producing mutants to curbs the pain. And thanks to the mutants, you will not feel the pain when someone is out of your path? Are we, the people who have hearts, supposedly produced to be like that? Hmmm..
If that is the way we should go, then i think uncle, me, have entered the wrong dimension. Or should i say, read to much of the fairytales like Winnie the Pooh, Scooby Doo and etc, where the world is so ideal and so nice to be in..
Maybe i should write a letter, last one to try my luck, maybe i should not. BUt somehow or rather, i still don't get the mutants at all le.
Bowling used to be a thing for me to enjoy with bands of bros.. But it seems like a waste of time recently.
Tennis used to be a chit chat session, but now it seems just like any game.
Kayaking seems to be fun when many do it, but now getting ridiculous day by day.
Now left with tea- session, when would it phase out too? I pray not!
Yes? No?
Uncertainties just love to lie ahead of me..
Uncle Heng, you are still young! If you are old, what makes me then?!?!
Alighting of the train may seem painful for you. Why don’t you think it in this way, the passengers is alighting due to a reason. The passengers may have tasks on hand to attend to thus’ force them to alight. Not a choice to them, but was forced to. They may just change train for this period of time, but they will be back to board your train again. I believe your train still warmly welcome them as your passengers.
Do believe that they will be back. Remember? Xiang1 Xin4 Jiu4 You3
Be it a Hi-Bye or not, you still be happy they board the train right?
=) rememember to do it!!
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