Monday, April 03, 2006


In life, there are things and goals that we would have set or suppose to set in order to make life meaningful and fruitful. With these, we would have drew the meaning of life and the purpose for us to carry on to fight with the turnovers and all the strange obstacles to reach our final destination. This would make the setting of goals and target to be essential, that is to say, a must. If not, you would most likely end up in an aimless island, still wondering why are you there.

Whenever you hit the rock bottom (of that would be the maximum downfall you would face cos once you have reached the rock bottm, oh well, there isn't anything worst than that. That is the worst situation you could have think of or be in), you really hope that your closet pal / pals would be there for you and really understand what you are thinking, most importantly, you would really need the strength to carry on fighting and lifting yourself up from the mess or 'quick-sand' you fell into. I think all of us ask from each other would be just a little understanding and little trust, just a little support and little soul (the soul here means something else, not those that you might bumped into during the seventh month). I think that is all we ask for, if not, all i want.

So they always say, obstacles are there to make you grow stronger and be a more able person in future. Obstacles uh? The world seems crumbling down on me, and there is seems to be nothing i could do to it. Yes, so what so i'm having a positive mindset, so what so i'm determine to fight off this , so what so i'm biting my teeth through the situation? So what so? So what so? Words are melodies to ears, thoughts are touching the heart, all are but, empty promise. It is empty because it is empty. There isn't anything there for me to be secure of and assure with.

When you start to hold disillusions of the world and there are nothing to will bring your back to the path that you used to be in and hope to be in,you are just an empty shell. Your drive, your beliefs, your power, your soul, your heart would have left you in lurch nights ago. All you have now is just an empty shell, a shell that but nothing but a pack of skeletons and useless organs. Your eyes would have lose the ability to see the colours of the world, your sense of touch lose the ability to feel what is there good about the world, your sense of smell would smell nothing at all (all the flora and wonderful smell of the world have left you). You are just a body, yes, just any body.

Moltivation, the power of the soul, would have gone with the wind, vanished in thin air. There is nothing to drive you to work and play, to think and pray, to believe and hope, to hold to and go on. There would be no reason for anything. Even your favourite pastime would lose its meaning. Sometimes, you would think that simple activities like bowling is good for you, but, you have no reason and no drive to play at all cos you have no drive to boost your self up to play. Music is non-perishable, but for this moment in life, you have pronounced it dead.

So is it fair to someone who is just 20, yet to cross into his 21? Fairness, hahaz, is just a word you read in the book. It goes into your mind and just stay there will do, don't bother to use it or explain anything use the word. All it will do is just making the situation worst.

All i ask for is just some understanding and trust, some assurance and strength to carry on. I don't expect anyone to solve anything for me, but, can't i ask for an assurance? Trust, so much so i tried to instil yet is a tool that kills me, is all i want? Aren't i transparent enough? It hurts me when this is the tool that will tarnish me. I have no mask or protective gear to shield me off from this tool. I don't need either. All i ask for is a little understanding and trust, some assurance and encouragement. Why?

I having nothing more to lose ever since i lost my trust. Sometimes, it is always good to look up the sky and wonder why is it you. More often than not, don't expected any answer from anyone if you don't even know why.

Yup, i just managed to change my background song, do enjoy!


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