Sunday, April 02, 2006

Sleepless, so i'm here

Perhaps, this is a good time for me to turn to this site to talk and reflect. Suddenly, i seems to be thrown back into the empty and dark box that i managed to climb out years ago. NOthing in there, not exciting. NO one in there, no one to talk to. So blank and so empty.

Suddenly, i seems to lose my heart, my drive and my soul. My vision, my values and my thoughts seems to lose their way and enlightment seems to be a word to hard for me to comprehend. So where is the true heart and my old self thinking? Am i just another sad mould of the society? I seems to sink into the quick sand..

So this is an aimless and borderless island.NOthing there for me and nothing there to see.. Nothing to hope and nothing to believe in..

Why is it like that? NOthing to look forward for tomorrow and no one to cry into..
Tears are running dry..

Sleepless again..


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