My last thoughts before a New ME
Well, before i undergo any form of surgeries or turn-over, i would like to write these few things in..
Well, many people thinks that life is tough to live on. Why? There are simply too much things to be bothered with - love, money, family, studies, career, friends, material possessions, etc. Just on these, you get simply enjoy your life. Well, i used to think this way - Why life is such a big torture, why must i be so busy with so many things in life? Till now, i cannot say that i'm mature or able to take on life better, but, i have seen many people been through what what i have went through.
Life is as easy or as tough as you think it is. IF you think that life is tough, then it will be. There was once a person who came up and told me this:" Help! I'm suffering. There are so many things to be troubled with. For instance, i deeply in love with my aunt. Knowing that this wrong, i still think of it. I have dream of how to live with her, how to love her..." Funny? I think so. This person simply uses too much brain power. I'm not against brain work, or i can't say "Don't use your brain!" But, think this: If compassion, committment and care come deeply from the heart, then why are we so busy filfulling the brain? If relationship issues comes merely from the bottom of the heart, then why must we keep thinking of how to or how not to? Well, the next thing is that planning to good. You can plan 1000steps ahead of you, but, if you don't start the first step. How would you know that you have planned well and correctly? I'm not against the hardwork of planning, but i think that, plan as you move along the path. That would be a next point i'll bring out.
Good! Planning is good, but can you guarantee that your plan fits in your future totally? I love to plan everything, include my dinner. But, my plans do not come true totally. I can't predict the next step,what will really happen. Thta's why i find that life is super exciting.
The funny thing is that in here we are so used to the careful spoon-feeding job done by the teachers and the well-protecting and doting parents that in the end, we are so used to the rigid ways of solving problems that we encountered that makes us useless to the real outside world when we first stepped into the society. Solely think that past expriences have taught us how to solve problems we encountered, we simply don't care other things. And that's why we would find that life is getting harder and harder to carry on. We have locked our thinking too much. We should open our mind, free our mind. Just like in Sec 2, we used to learn find gradient by merely drawing tangent. And, we started boasting that gradient is found using that only, till when we reached Sec4. We learned the easier method -- differentiation! So, apply to the real world. Don't let past experiences lock our mind and actions. Think of this: Will we make noise when people lock us up in cages physically? So why are we locking our mindsets? Bend with the wind, flow along with the current...
A few people have once told me that they would like to stay young forever. Why? No need to be bothered about so issus in life. I laughed.. Why not? Even the squiggly caterpillar is trying so hard to metarmorphose to become a cute nd beautiful butterfly, we would metarmorphose to be beauitful people. Why refuse to let the nature takes its course? Grow, enjoy.
I life there are only three choices to do things. Live up, Give up, Screw Up.
With that, i look forward to a new ME.
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