Sunday, April 03, 2005

Time for a change

Time for a change, so they say. But, till now i don't know what my heart got to say for this issue. Well, ifit is onlyone person who raise this issue up, maybe i won't get that fustrated. But, now it is like half of my group of friendsmraising this issue in front of me, so i don't know what to do about it.

Well, like what i like to say, let heart flow and tell you what to do in the issue of love because the heart is the one controlling your committment, care and compassion. Well, till my heart say nothing at all. Wait or give up? I don't know.

Even i give up, so what? It is impossible for me to find a new one, impossible (though i know that this sentence is extreme, GP taught us not to do this, but it is true for me). No other girl would understand me the way she does, no girl will do things things she does for me, no other girl will accept my way of doing things except her. These are what i been telling myself. But, seems to be very useless now and then.

What they say maybe very true - She is not around with me now, nobody knows what would probably happen next. They even scolded me for not doing what i preached. Well, what can i say now when my heart say nothing at all.

So, what should i do?

Helplessly thinking? I don't know? Change and hope for better? How to?


Blogger cArInE said...

I feel that u should wait like what your heart has always wanted... You are always in a dilemma because of peer pressure.. you get easily affected by peers.. u gotta follow what your heart has said, what you truly want.. and not what others think and ask you to do.. The decision lies in you..

12:46 AM  
Blogger -S| M|N- said...

as you have always tell us, go with my heart, do what your heart tells u......since your heart says that u want to wait, u still love her......why not wait? why care about what others say? its your own life, your own future...its you who control your own life and future not your friends.....

11:13 PM  

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