Friday, November 18, 2005

I'm back in one piece

Hahaz.. It has been quite some time since my last blog. Well, i must admit the fact that part of the reasons was that i'm lazy and i really running out of ideas.

Have been roaming around and reading quite a few articles from various sources (Times, American Scientific, Asia Week, Global and etc..)

Starts to wonder if technology has actually bring more harm than good to us, the homo sapiens.I cannot deny the fact that the initial thought of improving technology was to improve our standard of living. But, it seems that privacy has been the cost of such technology surges and human body has become lab test apparatus. MP3 chips could be injected into the bodies (to be exact in the breasts), biochips could be injected in (to be exact: near the spine region). Now what? I don't quite understand why humans would like to do this to body. Human bodies are meant to be the way they were to be when they were created centuries ago. Love your body before it is too late.

With the rapid globalisation, the distance separation between countries seems to be lesser and lesser. Oh good, so the distance is getting lesser and lesser and the rate of the diseases outspread seems to be faster and faster. Yes, i know many of you would only think of H5N1 (Avian Flu), but it is besides that. There are more outspread than just H5N1, SARS? Yellow fever? Hahaz.. I'm not trying to frighten anyone here, but hereby just stating the fact. It seems that troubles keep on brewing.

So, before that i only know what is saturated and unsaturated fats. Now, there is one new type of fats called trans-fats. Haiz... suddenly i think goats are the most healthy and safest animals in Earth, or pehaps Sheeps, cows and other herbivoures. Grass!!

Tea-talk (new term for la teh for me) seems to be my new hobby. Whenever i'm feeling stress, empty, down or even happy, it would be the thing that i do - tea with more milk, sitting at one corner and sipping it slowly, watching the crowds moving up and down. Seeing people sitting in groups and chatting happily away, eating to their content. So i guess it is all about life ba, trains and passengers.

November seems to be a busy months for me - competitions and exams. Soon, it will be the time for me to go around and roam to prepare for doggy wagging party 2006. More programmes coming up.

Well, there are still some things for me to say, but somehow words can't describe my feelings.

So what to do?

End the entrY today with yet another smile.
: )


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